Full Day Life Drawing in July

Looking-Down-life-drawingThe Firestation’s regular life-drawing tutor, Patrick Palmer is extending his Sunday night classes to a full-day workshop on Friday 12 July. Suitable for artists of intermediate to advanced experience within the life drawing genre.


A five hour course (half an hour for lunch) which will enable you to take your drawing to a higher-level. The tutor will explain and demonstrate techniques to capture a detailed, realistic and accurate picture. He will also advise on composition and artistic interpretation. An experienced and ‘good-to-draw’ model will pose for the class. The lighting will be carefully set up to explore the concept of chiaroscuro – the use of string contrasts between light and dark to achieve a sense of volume in modelling three-dimensional objects.
Photographing the model is allowed for further work on your picture once the course has ended.

For further information on the course, materials and tutor, please follow the ‘Book Now’ button below.

Tickets: £70 for full day course (Class size limited to 10: early booking recommended)
Fri 12 Jul, 10:00am – 4:00pm
book now


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